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How to Personalize Your Home Office


While corporate offices may have certain regulations regarding what sorts of items employees are allowed to keep at and around their desks, those who telecommute have much more freedom when it comes to creating an ideal workspace. This is one major advantage of working from home: it is much more enjoyable to show up for work each day when you have an office that you love. Read on for three easy ways to personalize your home office.

Get a Comfortable Chair

You spend the majority of your day sitting in your office chair, so you should make sure that it is both comfortable and functional. Browse online or visit a local office supply store to learn about all of the different types of desk chairs for home offices that are available to you. You may also want to create a standing desk setup, so that you can alternate between sitting and standing over the course of the day.

Add a Few Plants

Flowers, ferns and other plants aren’t just pretty: they’re good for your health, too. Studies have shown that houseplants can boost your mood, make you feel more energetic, reduce levels of stress and anxiety and even improve focus and concentration. If you don’t have a green thumb, there are many low-maintenance options to consider, including succulents and certain ferns.

Kick out the Clutter

It’s hard to perform at your best when you are surrounded by piles of household items that aren’t organized. When you are working in your home office, you should be able to devote your uninterrupted attention to work, so you should do everything possible to keep non-work-related items out of sight.

If going through all of the items in your workspace seems too daunting, get a large bin that you can fill and store out of sight. You can always go through the bin during a free evening or off day. Learn more about How to Personalize Your Home Office at

Working from home is not without challenges. It can be hard to stay focused, and you may feel isolated without the opportunity to chat with colleagues in person. At the same time, there are many benefits: you do not need to fight rush hour traffic or pack a lunch, you have more freedom in terms of what you wear and you can customize your home office however you like. Picking out an ergonomic chair, getting greenery, and organizing the area are all effective ways to ensure that you feel good and perform well during the workday. You can learn about the many benefits of having a home office for your business, on this website:

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